Longxin Integrated Housing
Longxin Integrated Housing
What are the methods of packing the hotel?

What are the methods of packing the hotel?

  • Categories:Company News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-04-30
  • Views:0

(Summary description)Regarding the traditional residence of reinforced concrete structure, the unsound foundation will inevitably affect the overall quality of the house, and the boxing hotel, a new type of residence in recent years, also has high requirements on the strength. So what kind of method needs to be adopted to increase the solidity of the trusted box hotel?

What are the methods of packing the hotel?

(Summary description)Regarding the traditional residence of reinforced concrete structure, the unsound foundation will inevitably affect the overall quality of the house, and the boxing hotel, a new type of residence in recent years, also has high requirements on the strength. So what kind of method needs to be adopted to increase the solidity of the trusted box hotel?

  • Categories:Company News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-04-30
  • Views:0

Regarding the traditional residence of reinforced concrete structure, the unsound foundation will inevitably affect the overall quality of the house, and the boxing hotel, a new type of residence in recent years, also has high requirements on the strength. So what kind of method needs to be adopted to increase the solidity of the trusted box hotel?
Method one, choose an address with suitable hardness as the foundation
Packaging box hotel practice is essentially different from the traditional reinforced concrete structure hotel. The hardness of the foundation and the terrain where it is located will have a direct impact on its firmness. Therefore, the social group who chooses to invest in the packing box hotel must pay attention to the quality of the foundation during the construction process. It is best to verify the hardness of the foundation through the hardness test if conditions permit.

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No. 905, North Sanli Street, Economic Development Zone, Changle County, Weifang City, Shandong Province




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